Tuesday, June 10, 2014

My Favorite Author

My favorite author is Mike Lupica, this is because he writes a lot books about sports and that is my favorite genre. My favorite Mike Lupica book is Summer Ball. Summer Ball is about a young boy who goes to a sleep away basketball camp and it is really cool because they talk a lot about current basketball coaches and players. All of the dorms are made after colleges and they end up playing games and doing tournaments. The main reason I liked this book is because I would love to be at the camp that the kid went to. Another Mike Lupica book I like is Travel Team. This book is about a young boy and he tries out for his basketball team and doesn't make it but after working hard the whole summer he eventually makes the team the next year. I like the way that Mike Lupica embraces the underdog story in most of his books, this makes his books extra intriguing.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Why I hate to read

One of the main reasons I do not like to read is because on a beautiful day I would rather spend my time running around and enjoying the nice weather instead of reading a book. I feel that if I wasn't running around I would be hurting myself by reading a book. Another reason I do not like to read is because it is anti technology. I feel that playing a video game expands your imagination more than a book will because you get to experience it instead of read about it. I'm not saying that reading doesn't make you have a great imagination because it does, but I feel like why would you read about it when you can be apart of it. I also feel that it is very important to pay attention to the news and watch CNN or Good Morning Joe. Why waste your time reading fictional books that are not true when you can watch the news and find out about the stuff that affects you and the world around you. It is very important to make use of the new technology that is being provided to us. It seems like inventions and new technology are at an all time high right now and why would we waste our time reading a book when there are so many new and exciting inventions happening around us. You never know you might be interested in these inventions and find a career out of it.

Friday, June 6, 2014

My Perfect Reading Spot

My ideal reading place is during a nice colorful sunset, sitting on my Adirondack chair which I clear stain three times a week. If all ingredients are necessary I would love to have a nice fresh squeezed lemonade, from the finest lemons in the world. I would also have a fan on full blast so that the nice cold air would trickle upon my toes and move its way up to my sternum and eventually on to my face. I would also like to have the sun beating down on my skin, at the perfect temperature, so that is the perfect amount to get a nice tan but not hot enough to have sun screen in hand. Although it is unlikely it would be nice to have a maid that would serve me only the finest fruits whenever I ask.